Experience is a Doorway, Not a Final Destination- Oswald Chambers

Friday, February 5

Holey Handbags!

I rarely shop. I don't see the value in doing it all the time but when I have spent a year holding my clothes together with safety pins and I realize there are holes in the bottom of my shoes when it rains, I pull up my bootstraps and brave the clothing stores.

I have become an expert at covering holes and tears. I currently own a shirt that sports sleeves that are no longer sleeves. The arms are simply fabric hanging from the shoulder. I love this shirt so I wear it under a cardigan and no one can tell that it belongs in the dumpster.

Since I received a little cash for my birthday, I analyzed my wardrobe and determined that I really need a new purse. If you know me you have seen the purse that I have carried around for awhile now. It is a beige, colorless thing which to the keen observer sports holes and stains and is falling apart.

I am not one of those girls who MUST buy a new purse to match the color of the season but I gave it a try this time. I perused every web site that boasts the most versatile and stylish purses. I told myself that this time I will buy a nice one. I will spend the money so that it will last.

I have never spent more than $15 on a purse.


My husband jokes with me that if I look at a line up of potential goods and choose my favorite item without seeing the price tag, it never fails that I pick the item that costs the most. The mixture of this fact as well as being tight with our money has meant that I don't really wear or own what I prefer. I make due with less-than-$15-dollar purses.

Below are the handbags that caught my fancy but after looking at the price tag, I realized that my husband was right about my expensive taste and I am treading on dangerous ground.

Cost: $1,499.99

Cost: $2,199.99

Cost: $1,699.99

Never mind. I shut off my computer and went to Target. I would like to introduce you world to my new purse. I spent more than $15!

Cost: $19.99


tabathaanne said...

If you're ever in the market for an expensive, but not really expensive purse... that is (drum roll) WASHABLE!!!! Just check this out... PLUS, bonus, they are organic. Made with soy based ink and organically grown cotton :)


tabathaanne said...

If you're ever in the market for an expensive, but not really expensive purse... that is (drum roll) WASHABLE!!!! Just check this out... PLUS, bonus, they are organic. Made with soy based ink and organically grown cotton :)


tabathaanne said...

If you're ever in the market for an expensive, but not really expensive purse... that is (drum roll) WASHABLE!!!! Just check this out... PLUS, bonus, they are organic. Made with soy based ink and organically grown cotton :)


Jana Alexis said...

I've never even seen purses that expensive! Crazy. I like the one you decided on...with the added plus that it's affordable. :) Did you actually get the yellowy-orange one? Fun!

allisongraber said...

Jana - I did actually buy it. It was between turquoise or yellow. Yellow won out.

Tabatha- I looked at those purses. They are really cute. I will keep those in mind for future buys. :)