Experience is a Doorway, Not a Final Destination- Oswald Chambers

Tuesday, January 26

Six Months

It was six months ago today that my father passed away. I can list all the things that I miss, like his laugh, slobbery kisses, his singing voice and hugs, but I won't.

The world isn't the same without you dad. I know I am not. I am the woman that I am because I had a father like you.


Cherie said...

Just had a cry yesterday missing my dad and it has been five years now. Very thankful to have had a dad like him, too. But my heart swells with joy when I think about the restoration to come!

Anonymous said...

Remembering the good times--like smoking a cigar together--priceless! Sweet memories makes it just a little easier. Beautiful memories are gifts from God. Love ya, Allison

Lynn Steller

Anonymous said...

I miss Dad as well, Al.


Anonymous said...

can't believe it's been 6 months. miss him so much. looking forward to seeing him not ever too soon.
